replica handbags news Fendi's inverted F logo, in fact, does not represent replica handbags. Instead, it's "Fun Fur" as defined by Karl Lagerfeld, the late design entrepreneur who helped bring Fendi to the international fashion scene. But if we talk about Fendi bags, it is Silvia Venturini Fendi that has really taken the big strides. Venturini Fendi is credited with introducing the Baguette and Peekaboo bags, two of the Italian house's most popular fake purses. She is the granddaughter of Adele and Edoardo Fendi, who founded the luxury brand in 1925 on Rome's Via del Plebiscito. Since then, the label has maintained an unwavering dedication to Italian craftsmanship; The baguette may be named after a French staple, but the rest is Italian as is. |